:: PCB board templates

Creation of PCB templates

example box

import into gimp 2.4.7

tools – transform – crop
image – print size – change size to coincide with actual box (note final DPI = 53.210)
image – mode – select indexed color – select max color = 4 to 8 (lesser colors = lesser accuracy but less clutter)

save as – bmp

eagle – ULP – insert bmp
scan used colors (option to reduce colors further)
format = select DPI
scale = final DPI of BMP image (in this case = 53.210)

run script - rough shape of box will appear
draw appropriate outlines using eagle layers

select BMP layers to delete BMP guides/shapes insert eagle labels
save as PCB template

 make other templates sized according to box limits

by overlaying the enclosure shell thickness inside the termplate, component fit can be estimated in the layout window (ie : here a SMA and a potentiometer). which allows the builder to know what are the possible clearances or changes required (ie : SMA needs a deeper cutout)


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