:: plotting histogram / gaussian distribution curves on OPENCALC

example on how to plot distribution curve (gaussian / histogram bins)
prepare a set of data (random) ordered

check for AVERAGE / MEAN
deduct the mean, to center the dataset around zero
in this set, the mean is -1141.26
we add +1141.26 to make a zeroed set of data
column G is now the zeroed data set
create the span of the histogram by using MIN/MAX to find the outer limits of values
in this case
we create a span of +/- 1000 in a non linear scale
-1000 to -500 in 100 ticks (cheating at the outer range)
-500 to 500 in 20 ticks then to 1000 in 100 ticks
we have now
1) the zeroed dataset is located in G1:G3600 (3600 samples)
2) the +/- 1000 bin is located in L3603:L3663 (61 bins incl zero)

to insert the function to work in G1:G3600 +L3603:L3663
the function have to be entered into the input line with the M3603:M3663 selected/highlighted
(but do not press enter)

function =FREQUENCY(G1:G3600; L3603:L3663)
with the highlight still active 
press "shift ctrl enter"
and it will sort out all the values into the bins

next we apply "insert chart" to view the histogram
select L3603:L3663 + M3603:M3663
apply "XY scatter"
and we get this
the curve does not seem very gaussian, but it is infact a some what peaky gaussian with more values nearer to zero than a normal distribution.


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